
περιγραφή διαφόρων δραστηριοτήτων του συλλόγου, πχ καθαρισμοί μονοπατιών, παραλιών, φυτεύσεις, κλπ.




The Society for the Protection of the Environment of South Karystia (Σ.Π.ΠΕ.Ν.Κ) invites its members to the annual General Assembly that will take place on 10/7/2022 at the Karystion Hotel at 10.30 am. In order to avoid the possible lack of quorum, the Assembly will take place definitively on Sunday 17/7//2022 at the same time and place.


Environmental-Protection-Association-of-Southern-Karystia General Meeting Sunday August 18th, Galaxy Hotel 11:30 am


The Environmental Protection Association of Southern Karystia (S.P.PE.NK) invites its members to the annual General Assembly that will take place on 11/8/2024 at Galaxias Hotel at 11:30 am. In order to avoid the possible lack of quorum, the Assembly will take place definitively on Sunday 18/8//2024 at Galaxias Hotel at 11:30 am

Program of the General Assembly:

Press Release of the Coordinating Committee of Agencies for the Karystos Hospital



Against the downgrading of the Karystos Hospital

With a large participation of the people of the municipality of Karystos, who filled the hall of the Yokaleion Foundation, the meeting-gathering against the degradation of the Karystos Hospital took place on Sunday, November 12.

To the members and friends of SPPENK


The Board of Directors wishes everyone a happy and healthy new year!

We are entering a critical year for the future of our country as new wind turbines are constantly being licensed and are now approaching the settlements. The time has come for the residents to speak up and stop the threat that arrives at the doors of our homes.

At the same time, the necessary legal actions carried out by our Association for years, but also by the Municipality of Karystos more recently, continue.

Visit to Ochi and Kastanolongos - Sunday 4th November

  Open invitation   The Front Against Wind Parks of Karystos (ΑΜΑΚ) and ΣΠΠΕΝΚ (Association for the Protection of the Environment of Kaystos) organize on the spot visit to Ochi and Kastanolongos (chestnut forest on the Ochi mountain) on Sunday, 4th November 2018.   We will sightsee the new landscapes that are being shaped as the wind turbine installation proceeds.   We will start from Karystos Mpourtzi (the Enetian castle on the coast) at 10.00 am. The transition will take place with a bus and with private cars.   Information  6976816762